GIWL (pronounced 'jewel') was founded by former Prime Minister Julia Gillard with a simple mission – to bring together research, practice and advocacy into a powerful force for change towards gender equality. 

Based at ANU and led by renowned gender equality expert and co-author of the 'glass cliff' theory, Professor Michelle Ryan, we are a multi-disciplinary research institute with world-leading expertise on workplace gender equality and leadership. 

We believe that advancing gender equality requires a whole-of-society approach and work across government, non-profits, academia and corporations connecting those looking to advance change in their fields with the evidence on what actually works. By working to implement change where it matters most, we aim to eradicate the root causes of systemic gender inequality and create safe, fair and equitable cultures where all people thrive.

Learn more about GIWL


What we do

When it comes to gender equality, we take a three-pronged approach at the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership...



Creating an evidence base by undertaking cutting-edge research and drawing together existing best practice findings from around the world.

Learn more about our world-leading research.


Translating this research into evidence-based, solutions-focused policy, practice and training.

Find out more about how you can work with us to advance equality in your area. 


We work with communities, academics, experts and policymakers from across countries and sectors to advocate for lasting change towards gender equality.

Explore how we have shaped policy and advanced equality in Australia and beyond.

Our latest news, research and events


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‘Risky visibility’

In this research, we examine the ‘risky visibility’ experienced by queer politicians, where their sexuality, combined with other intersecting factors, leads to heightened public scrutiny, abuse online and personal harassment

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Shaping Australia’s international gender equality strategy

How our recommendations have helped to directly shape DFAT's new International Gender Equality Strategy and pave the way for Australia to position itself as a global leader in gender equality

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Building a more inclusive innovation ecosystem

Be part of the change – share your perspectives in our upcoming survey and help drive diversity, equity and inclusion in innovation programs

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How do social interactions between genders impact progress towards gender equality?

In this review, we argue that an important but overlooked factor that could explain the stagnation of progress toward gender equality are the social interactions and relationships between different genders.

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Partner with us to help prevent tech-facilitated gender-based workplace abuse

We’re seeking organisations to partner with us to help us stop gendered tech-based abuse in the workplace before it begins.

We’re looking for organisations that have two or more distinct organisational department, teams or divisions and use technology for work communication and activities to help support us with this vital research.

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How can you get involved?


Solving the world’s most pressing problems cannot be done by a single type of expert working in isolation. We bring together diverse perspectives and different fields of research, and convene academics, policymakers, advocates and a wide range of organisations to understand and implement change where it matters most. 

So, whether you're representing an organisation, are an academic or student working on gender-related research, or are just interested in learning more about gender equality, there are loads of ways you can get involved with our work at GIWL. 

Find out more


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Sign up to our mailing list to stay up to date with our latest news, research, events and more.

You can also find us on social media @GIWLANU, and follow our podcast, @APodcastOfOnesOwn, on Instagram.

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